
The H. Upmann Half Corona Cigar was introduced by H. Upmann Cigars in 2011 and has proven popular among aficionados ever since.

This Cuban cigar features a Half Corona vitola – measuring at 90mm by a 44 ring gauge. Its one of the smallest on the market – making it popular among smokers who are short of time.



H. UPMANN HALF CORONA – Box of 25 Details

H. Upmann Half Corona Cigar was introduced by H. Upmann Cigars in 2011 and has proven popular among aficionados ever since.

This Cuban cigar features a Half Corona vitola – measuring at 90mm by a 44 ring gauge. Its one of the smallest on the market – making it popular among smokers who are short of time.

The flavour profile reflects its size and delivers light to medium tones, such as leather and earth.

Shop more of our favourite smaller formats from our Cuban cigar shop:


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